What’s Where on Earth? Animal Atlas PDF

Autor: Dorling Kindersley (DK)
ISBN: 9780241412909
Editura: DK Children
Vezi cartea What’s Where on Earth? Animal Atlas PDF scrisa de autorul Dorling Kindersley (DK) in libraria ta de carti online favorita. Cartea aceasta a fost publicata in septembrie 2021 de catre editura DK Children in limba Romana, Engleza, are 160 pagini si coperta Paperback brosat.

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100 Lei
Pretul cartii What’s Where on Earth? Animal Atlas este de aproximativ 100lei, insa acesta depinde de libraria selectata si promotiile acesteia.

*** Pretul cartii poate sa varieze si depinde de oferte si promotiile curente a librariei online selectate.

Rezumat What’s Where on Earth? Animal Atlas

Embark on an action-packed, first-class tour and explore the homes of Earth’s most awe-inspiring animals!This illustrated children’s atlas brings the animal kingdom to life like never before through spectacular, specially commissioned 3D maps and artworks. A fact-filled adventure of a lifetime awaits, are you ready?Inside the pages of this visually stunning animal encyclopedia, you’ll discover:- 3D maps show the habitats and geographic location of more than 100 incredible animals
– Text on each spread providing relevant background information about each animal
– Maps revealing the shrinking territories of some species to inform kids about endangered animals and how to protect themFrom African savanna elephants and Arctic wolves to giant pandas and polar bears, this educational book for kids shows you exactly where and how over 100 extraordinary animal species live. Detailed 3D maps and dynamic images give you a peek inside the habitat of each animal, as well as its geographic location.Filled with fun facts for kids revealing an astonishing amount of information about the behaviour of some of the most amazing animals. You’ll discover where lions hunt their prey, which penguin lives closest to the South Pole, and where you might encounter the world’s most deadly snakes. Perfect for home learning, this atlas book is great for children to dip into for school projects and is a fantastic addition to any family library.

ISBN: 9780241412909

Carti scrise de Dorling Kindersley (DK)

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Autor(i): Dorling Kindersley (DK)
Cod: 9780241412909
Editura: DK Children
Limba: Romana, Engleza
Anul aparitiei: septembrie 2021
Numar pagini: 160
Coperta: Paperback brosat
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Sub-Categorie: Fiction

Intrebari Frecvente

Cartea a fost scrisa de catre Dorling Kindersley (DK). Vezi mai multe carti scrise de acest autor(i).
Cartea a fost publicata in septembrie 2021. Vezi si alte editii disponibil la carti similare.
Pretul cartii este de aproximativ 100lei. Acesta poate varia in functie de ofertele si promotiile fiecarei librarii in parte.
Cartea are 160 pagini. Poti alege oricand o carte similara din aceasi gama de carti.