It Can’t Be True! Human Body! PDF

Autor: Dorling Kindersley (DK)
ISBN: 9780241446645
Editura: DK Children
Vezi cartea It Can’t Be True! Human Body! PDF scrisa de autorul Dorling Kindersley (DK) in libraria ta de carti online favorita. Cartea aceasta a fost publicata in 21-Aug de catre editura DK Children in limba Romana, are 176 pagini si coperta Paperback brosat.

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90 Lei
Pretul cartii It Can’t Be True! Human Body! este de aproximativ 90lei, insa acesta depinde de libraria selectata si promotiile acesteia.

*** Pretul cartii poate sa varieze si depinde de oferte si promotiile curente a librariei online selectate.

Rezumat It Can’t Be True! Human Body!

Get ready to have your mind blown with these jaw-dropping facts and visual comparisons about the human body!Packed with incredible stats and facts about the human body that will leave you and your family utterly amazed. The perfect book for kids and adults who love science, biology, or any weird, wonderful and gruesome facts.Do you want to impress your family and friends with mind-boggling information? Well, now you can. Inside the pages of this educational book, you’ll find:- 1,000 amazing facts about the human body
– Stunning images help explain big numbers relating to facts about the body so that children can understand
– Fast fact science boxes that are illustrated with engaging info-graphics to cover essential info on how the body works
– Amazing pictures magnified many times show you parts of the body as you’ve never seen them before
– Simple, easy-to-understand secondary artworks which make the main images on each spread the stars of the show
– Fun, accessible text suitable for ages 9+ – and fascinating information for adults too!Did you know that Chimpanzee skin has the same number of hairs as humans? Or that you regrow your outer layer of skin 700 times in your lifetime! Or that your DNA can stretch to the sun and back – not once – but 16 times? If these facts have already blown your mind, then wait until you read all 1000 facts!Discover unbelievable facts about your body, with enough blood and guts to satisfy even the most curious kids. It Can’t Be True! Human Body! is filled with bite-size, fascinating nuggets of information about the incredible abilities of human bodies. Compelling, computer-generated images (CGIs) reveal just how impressive your body is. It’s the perfect addition to any family or classroom bookshelf!

ISBN: 9780241446645

Carti scrise de Dorling Kindersley (DK)

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Autor(i): Dorling Kindersley (DK)
Cod: 9780241446645
Editura: DK Children
Limba: Romana
Anul aparitiei: 21-Aug
Numar pagini: 176
Coperta: Paperback brosat
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Sub-Categorie: Fiction

Intrebari Frecvente

Cartea a fost scrisa de catre Dorling Kindersley (DK). Vezi mai multe carti scrise de acest autor(i).
Cartea a fost publicata in 21-Aug. Vezi si alte editii disponibil la carti similare.
Pretul cartii este de aproximativ 90lei. Acesta poate varia in functie de ofertele si promotiile fiecarei librarii in parte.
Cartea are 176 pagini. Poti alege oricand o carte similara din aceasi gama de carti.