Class Act, Book with photocopiable activities + Audio CD PDF

Autor: Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly
ISBN: 9783125017252
Editura: Delta Publishing
Vezi cartea Class Act, Book with photocopiable activities + Audio CD PDF scrisa de autorul Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly in libraria ta de carti online favorita. Cartea aceasta a fost publicata in septembrie 2021 de catre editura Delta Publishing in limba Romana, are 120 pagini si coperta Paperback.

Pretul Recomandat

144 Lei
Pretul cartii Class Act, Book with photocopiable activities + Audio CD este de aproximativ 144lei, insa acesta depinde de libraria selectata si promotiile acesteia.

*** Pretul cartii poate sa varieze si depinde de oferte si promotiile curente a librariei online selectate.

Rezumat Class Act, Book with photocopiable activities + Audio CD

Class Act is a photocopiable collection of 12 short plays aimed at young learners of English, aged 7-11. The plays cover a variety of topics and genres, including traditional and modern tales, comedy and fantasy. The plays offer an age-appropriate and fun way for young children to practise useful language in English through enjoyable and motivating storylines.
The plays are graded in order of difficulty to suit a range of levels. The plays involve listening, speaking, watching and plenty of movement and are suitable for mixed-abilities and different learning styles.
While boosting pupils ‘ linguistic skills, the plays also build their confidence, by providing the opportunity to practise a number of skills such as listening, reading, expressive reading/speaking, memorising through listening and repetition, and writing.
Each of the 12 plays in Class Act is accompanied by:

  • an audio version on CD
  • advice provided in the introduction
  • individual notes with specific details of key vocabulary, functions and grammar covered
  • ideas for preparatory work and step-by-step suggestions for work on the play plus suggestions for related cross-curricular activities and extension work
  • details of costumes, props, sets and sound effects, if needed
  • a photocopiable script
  • three photocopiable worksheets (a scene setting picture, a listening activity and an activity to help pupils learn their lines).

ISBN: 9783125017252

Carti scrise de Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly

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Autor(i): Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly
Cod: 9783125017252
Editura: Delta Publishing
Limba: Romana
Anul aparitiei: septembrie 2021
Numar pagini: 120
Coperta: Paperback
Categorie: Carte non-fictiune
Sub-Categorie: Limbi straine

Intrebari Frecvente

Cartea a fost scrisa de catre Gavin Dudeney, Nicky Hockly. Vezi mai multe carti scrise de acest autor(i).
Cartea a fost publicata in septembrie 2021. Vezi si alte editii disponibil la carti similare.
Pretul cartii este de aproximativ 144lei. Acesta poate varia in functie de ofertele si promotiile fiecarei librarii in parte.
Cartea are 120 pagini. Poti alege oricand o carte similara din aceasi gama de carti.