Bike Repair Manual PDF

Autor: Chris Sidwells
ISBN: 9780241446362
Editura: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Vezi cartea Bike Repair Manual PDF scrisa de autorul Chris Sidwells in libraria ta de carti online favorita. Cartea aceasta a fost publicata in septembrie 2021 de catre editura DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley) in limba Romana, are 176 pagini si coperta Hardcover.

Pretul Recomandat

70 Lei
Pretul cartii Bike Repair Manual este de aproximativ 70lei, insa acesta depinde de libraria selectata si promotiile acesteia.

*** Pretul cartii poate sa varieze si depinde de oferte si promotiile curente a librariei online selectate.

Rezumat Bike Repair Manual

Discover every aspect of bike repairs and maintenance more clearly than ever before.Whether you are a mountain biker, cycling commuter, or road racer, with this up-to-date reference guide at your side, you’ll know how to keep your bike running smoothly for years.This is your complete maintenance guide to bike servicing and repairs! From improving its performance to getting your hands dirty with emergency repairs, learn everything you need to know about your bike and how to keep it trouble-free and on the road.This accessible bike book is packed with practical, step-by-step advice and extremely detailed photographic tutorials showing you how to explore every part of your bike’s anatomy. Learn how to maintain essential areas, such as brakes, rims, tyres, and steering, as well as complex components, including hub gears, hydraulic brakes, and suspension forks.This new edition is fully revised and updated, covering the latest models and technology. It also includes:- Clear, jargon-free advice steers you through a complete maintenance programme
– Detailed step-by-step photographs demonstrate how to correctly set up, clean, maintain, and repair your bike
– Includes how to fit and use cycling gadgets like GPS and other accessories.A Handy Guide for All Bike EnthusiastsDetailed chapters range from showing how to set up your bike correctly and safely to spotting danger signs and fixing them before it’s too late. It also features handy add-ons, such as a step locator and the must-have toolkit for successful repairs.This essential bike repair book equips you with the tools and techniques you need to fix any problems you may face while taking care of your bike. It’s a must-have for every cyclist’s bookshelf.

ISBN: 9780241446362

Carti scrise de Chris Sidwells

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Autor(i): Chris Sidwells
Cod: 9780241446362
Editura: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Limba: Romana
Anul aparitiei: septembrie 2021
Numar pagini: 176
Coperta: Hardcover
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Sub-Categorie: Fiction

Intrebari Frecvente

Cartea a fost scrisa de catre Chris Sidwells. Vezi mai multe carti scrise de acest autor(i).
Cartea a fost publicata in septembrie 2021. Vezi si alte editii disponibil la carti similare.
Pretul cartii este de aproximativ 70lei. Acesta poate varia in functie de ofertele si promotiile fiecarei librarii in parte.
Cartea are 176 pagini. Poti alege oricand o carte similara din aceasi gama de carti.